Change always triggers the energy in our root chakra. Since we are in such a time of great change globally, it is fairly safe to assume that each of us will have some issue going on in our lives that is challenging our root chakra energy. A bit of introspection and discovery can help us position ourselves so we can navigate change and uncertainty more gracefully.
Centering and grounding methods serve us well in general but become even more important as we navigate changing times. It may be helpful to keep in mind the attributes of a healthy root chakra.
What would a healthy root chakra look like in “real life”?
If our root chakra is healthy with all related issues well integrated, we will navigate change with ease, have a sense of belonging and feeling safe in the world, are capable of self soothing and have generally good self care. In addition, in spite of an awareness that the universe is one of change and unpredictability, we can maintain a sense at our core that we are safe, secure and provided for even if we are not totally certain of how that may occur or from what direction it may come. Also we can remain present, meet life on its own terms, deal effectively with the material world and have a firm base for the rest of our energy system.
In addition, we feel the strength of our own independence while being able to confide in and depend on others in healthy ways. This of course calls for understanding healthy boundaries as well as being able to actually live them!
Other core areas that the energy of root chakra influences are: a strong sense of purpose, a sense of worth that is felt as a right to exist/be well cared for, a capacity for patience/focus/concentration and commitment.
A Vulnerable Time
Who among us has not had some situation or event before the age of five that has in some way large or small destabilized the root chakra!? That is the time that that energy center is developing and when we are most vulnerable to what is happening in our environment. It is also a time when we do not have verbal or cognitive skills to cope with whatever stress we encounter. An important result to understand about all that is that our conscious mind is of very little help in rectifying the issues association with imbalance in this chakra.
If you have ever been afraid or anxious or depressed and tried to talk yourself out of that state through logic then you have had an inkling of the issue here.
Since early messages that relate to the root chakra occurred at a time when we did not have a well developed cognition or great verbal capacity, healing at this level really requires methods that speak directly to our energy/nervous systems and helps to provide discovery, release and correction of our early “wounds”.
The types of approaches that are effective: inner child work, interactive guided imagery, Chakra Guided Meditations Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Quantum Psychology. On a positive note it responds very well to those forms of healing!
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