Subtle Energy Competency
Conscious subtle energy management achieved through learning and regular practice helps to stabilize and expand the energy field, resulting in greater health, well-being, and positive experience!
How aware are you of your (subtle) energy in daily life?
Enhanced awareness expands personal power, sense of connection to self and others, and the capacity for positive management that impacts every aspect of life.
Do you notice different people, places and things affecting your vitality and mood? Awareness allows you to be prepared and correct energy disturbances sooner rather than later.
Clairvoyants are especially gifted with the ability to see subtle energy. It can appear to be a special gift for them but the truth is we all possess this ability. It can be cultivated through a combination of learning and practice of the necessary skills.
Seeing VS Feeling
Most of us may not see subtle energy, but we do sense its existence and respond to it on a daily basis.
For instance: Do you ever get exhausted after spending time with certain people? People who lack energy look outside themselves to “recharge their batteries.” When you are with them, they can take your energy to replenish theirs and leave you depleted.
Consciously centering and grounding your energy is an enormous step forward to deal with this situation. Also, developing the capacity to enter flow states and build resilience eliminate vulnerability to drains.
Language reflects energetic patterns
Another way to become more aware of energy in daily life is to look at language. Much of our language speaks to our unconscious experience of energetic states and events.
Think about the following statements: “I feel blue,” “My heart is heavy,” “I feel so empty,” “It’s like I’ve been knifed in the back,” “I feel so full of joy,” “My heart is glad.” These are statements that are actually descriptive of energetic dynamics at that moment.
Biofeedback instruments show that the person who reports feeling blue is, in fact, emitting the frequency our eye sees as blue. The person who reports feeling heavy or sad in the heart is actually experiencing a lower frequency of -– one that is slower than that of joy or happiness. That person may also be experiencing a constriction of the flow of energy through the heart chakra area.
Emptiness is depletion; joy is a fullness of lighter, faster moving energy; and the knife in the back can be an experience of negative thought or emotion directed toward that person by another.
Expansion and contraction
In general happy thoughts, events and experiences expand our fields while negative or painful stimuli constrict our them. It is helpful to periodically check in with yourself and notice when you feel expansion and contraction. This puts you at choice to shift your energy and thus your feelings. The caution here is not to go into a “spiritual bypass”. A spiritual by pass is a forced flight into good feeling that is really a denial of feelings that need to be processed. When feelings are allowed free flow through your system space opens for a more authentic consciousness to emerge.
We will discuss spiritual bypass in more detail later.
(Excerpted from Chakras Unplugged, soon to be released as print and e-book)
What is one thing you can d today to be more aware of how energy is moving in you and your world?
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