Stress Reduction and Mind Body Interaction
Stress is a complex adaptive mechanism involving mind-body-spirit
• Stress occurs with any change requiring us to adapt.
• We tend only to recognize external responses to stress.
• Generally we are unaware of how stress impacts us physiologically.
• Stress triggers a complex series of effects on all body systems.
• Our bodies are designed to withstand occasional episodes of stress.
• Frequent or prolonged stress creates an adaptation response that is unhealthy.
• Chronic illness results with prolonged or too frequent stress.
• Perception, interpretation and management determine if physiologic harm occurs.
• Environment, lifestyle and genetics also influence outcomes.
75-90% of doctors’ visits are for stress related conditions.
1 out of every 3 Americans is sleep deprived.
200,000 car accidents per year are attributed to sleepiness.
$13.9 billion/ year is spent on doctors’ visits and medication for insomnia.
Exhaustion, overwhelm and low energy are common complaints.
Anxiety and depression are on the rise.
Panic, helplessness and hopelessness are more widespread.
Work place violence and conflict have escalated.
Relationship conflict is a pervasive problem.
There are healthy solutions that can impact all of the above issues.
Benefits of Stress Reduction/Management
• Develops ability to ease anxiety and stressful reactions.
• Results in increased self control, more confidence and self esteem.
• Nervous system reconditioning facilitates letting go of stress quickly.
• Improves health, mood and overall sense of well being.
• Helps to reduce anxiety, eliminate phobias and negative coping
• Enhances communication; reduces conflict; improves listening skills.
• Increases ability to focus, concentrate and pay attention
A comprehensive approach to stress involves diet, exercise, psychological/spiritual growth and deep relaxation/meditation
Attending to these areas of life requires a commitment of time and energy. However, you will end up with not only better health and more happiness but you will also have more time and energy!
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