Coherence patterns in the heart benefit our health, happiness and capacity to create a positive life experience. In addition to ramping up the heart’s energy and capacity for good feeling, it is also important to know how to let go of what disturbs our balance. And since none of us are going to go through life always feeling good, it is helpful to know how to let go of things that we find unpleasant….not to deny the negative and what needs to be given attention, but to have a means to not become stuck in negativity, or let it overtake our vision and perception.
Understanding Surrender and Acceptance
Let’s examine the concepts of surrender and acceptance. In our culture this word is loaded with negative connotations, such as giving up, wimping out, being weak, unable to cut it. However, surrender in the context that we are using it is a deep feeling of letting go of struggle and conflict: it is about accepting what is in the moment, not fighting it €“ accepting the reality even as we seek to change it. Acceptance is not agreeing that all is well or the way we’d prefer, it is acknowledgement of what is in front of us so we can rise to the challenge of changing what can be changed and move beyond what is not working.
Surrender helps to bring your heart into coherence through the inner peace and calm it generates. To truly surrender we need to let go of wanting, yearning, wishing, needing and directing. When we are in these states, our focus is on what we feel we don’t have. We are in a vibration of lack or scarcity.
Sometimes we become stuck and even paralyzed by these feelings. Since our energy reflects our inner state, it is stuck, paralyzed, not moving, so it holds us in place rather than moving freely so it can be channeled in a stronger, more positive direction.
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