[singlepic id=20 w=320 h=240 float=left]Exploring and learning to manage your energy is a way to move beyond concepts to the full realization of you personal power.
The process of understanding our energy systems, overcoming the weaknesses and promoting the strengths has been referred to as the spiritual warrior’s path. Undoubtedly this is because honest self appraisal requires courage. We cannot embark on this journey without encountering ourselves; however, it need not be difficult or painful.
An attitude of curiosity and adventure, as if you are entering into a garden filled with wonderful dicoveries awaiting you, can turn your journey into a treasure hunt that can be fun! Remember the treasure is the real you unencumbered by fear, outmoded scripts and heavy burdens … the real you who can live with purpose, passion, creativity, harmony, balance, abundance, health and prosperity. Seems like it’s worth the trip!
If we understand energetic principles and use energetic approaches, we can bring about change with less conflict and greater comfort as well as access our inborn natural capacities more easily. Often our attempts to change are approached from a stance of willpower, hard work and a forced focus on what to be or not to be. The world of energy provides ways to facilitate change more
easily, to integrate new patterns and abilities more effortlessly so we can become that person we see in our mind and feel in our heart.
All aspects of our Selves are important. Life is more enjoyable, balanced and fulfilling if we understand, appreciate and care for
all our parts. This may seem like an obvious statement, but often we humans tend to over value one aspect and develop it to the exclusion of others. Each aspect of our Selves provides a different level of awareness, a facet of our wholeness, and a distinctive way to experience the world. When we embrace the whole of our being we develop greater mastery, have more skill and ability to
live more fully, vibrantly and with more satisfaction and fulfillment.
Consciously developing and navigating our human energy system helps turn these concepts into reality. An energetic perspective
regarding our selves and our lives opens the door to a deeper awareness concerning our true nature; it offers a broader lens to look through; provides more options for discovery, promoting health and healing, and developing higher level human capacities including creativity, intuition and spirituality.
For a moment imagine a free flow of energy sweeping through you like a river that is free to flow through the landscape. Feel what it would be like to BE this river, at first meandering, then rushing along more strongly, perhaps stopping to pool in a happy little eddy just for the joy of it, once again picking up speed as the current moves forward toward the future, exhilarated by the prospect of a new adventure around the next corner. Feel how this river moves smoothly and evenly through a variety of landscapes shifting, moving, and shaping itself to navigate the terrain but never fighting, stopping or stagnating. Of course rivers do hit
obstacles just as we do in life. But unlike the river we have choices, free will and the ability to not be at the mercy of the elements if we know the appropriate skills to navigate the territory.
When our river of energy is negatively impacted by life, people, events, traumas or stresses, automatic reactions occur as mechanisms of protection and survival. Unfortunately these can then become a source of obstruction to the free flow of energy that would fully enliven us. If all of our energies are not fully charged, properly flowing and coherent, we can not meet the world with the full force of our being. Our view of the world and our place in it then tends toward negativity, limitation and feelings of
deficiency. We may experience suffering and pain in our lives as a result of these wounded’ energies reverberating through our being. Working through our intellect is not enough nor is it the most elegant or powerful way to release our suffering, pain, reactive responses or troublesome patterns. The good news is that there is a lot we can do to remedy these situations. Working with our energy body/field and the chakras can release old stagnant, stuck energy, help to heal over wounds of the past, stabilize and ground us so we can live in the present fully and with ease. It is the most profound and fundamental way to reclaim our power.
As we work with our energy, we expand our selves and become better able to connect and live from an authentic center. In addition, we become large enough to hold all of life and strong enough to meet life directly which adds a depth and richness that is lacking when we live from our minds in what becomes a watered down version of life.
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