A Common Problem
Many people have recently expressed that they feel overwhelmed, that their energy feels unsettled, scattered and fragmented. As a result they are easily distracted, have a hard time focusing on the task at hand and get annoyed with small, inconsequential matters. Can you identify with this?
Part of what happening is that we are living through unprecedented change on so many levels. Things that are not working are breaking down in order to be remade this includes health, work, relationships, long standing institutions and companies, governments, you name it. We’ve been seeing the pace accelerate for years now.
Another thing that is occurring is that we are evolving and learning how to embody different energies and patterns than we ever have before. We need to adopt new ways of approaching ourselves, our live and issues. There are many ways we can do this of course, but growth and development from the inside out is the most empowering way to meet our challenges.
One Simple Solution
One simple way to begin to shift your energy and get back on track is to take a situation that stresses you and identify what may have been good about this experience. Sometime there is nothing to be sure but often once we process the emotions (a skill) and begin to integrate an experience we can see it from a new perspective. Don’t try to do this when you are in the thick of reactivity as it is then only an attempt at getting past the discomfort ASAP and generally will do you more harm than good ultimately.
Once you have some clarity about your situation you can take things a step further and express genuine gratitude for what is good about it and what is working well. Use what is not working to help you focus and identify what you do appreciate in terms of your openness to learning, growing and consciously engaging your abilities to move past difficulty in the best possible way.
A great way to use gratitude is to list at least five things that happened or that you experienced or noticed during your day that you feel appreciation or gratitude for. Write them down in a notebook or journal. As you do, focus on feeling genuine appreciation through your heart rather than simply having a mental relationship with the event. Your energy will begin to shift as you write and the process will continue as you sleep, imprinting your cells and subconscious with more calm and more coherent energy.
Gratitude is one of those magical ingredients that you can use to begin to realign your energy sometimes overnight! Practice and experiment with it to help you move beyond judgment, accepting things as they are and bringing more compassion and wisdom to each day. A conscious, gracious, and heart-centered approach may make a big difference with the way your day unfolds.
Related articles
- Are There Benefits of Gratitude? (livingenergyworks.com)
- Great Video from 365 Grateful (livingenergyworks.com)
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