Chakras map consciousness. They provide us with a way to understand our growth and development via body, mind and spirit. The chakras help to shed light on our growing up years and what challenges may have had their beginnings there. In addition, the chakras show us where we currently are on our journey and can give direction about how to move forward in our lives.
So the chakras as a map of consciousness that points to where we may be in need of healing while it also can help guide us in our personal journey transformation.
Awareness of how our internal patterns operate in our relationship to ourselves and to others is essential. Through this awareness we are freed to shift out of old patterns using our energy systems as a guide and a force to navigate change.
Anodea Judith speaks in this video about how the chakra system not only gives us information about our personal well being but it also can be used to gain insight and understanding about the world and the transition we are moving through.
Using the chakra system as a map of consciousness can help create better experiences not only for ourselves but for the world!
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