Beliefs and Unconscious Resistance
Beliefs are made up of thought and feeling. Thoughts and feelings have an electrical and biochemical signature in our bodies. Even though thought and feeling are traveling companions, they often are at odds. The intellect (conscious mind) can be aware of one thing, while the emotions may have a totally different story to tell. This conflict is often what sabotages our efforts at change and achievement.
As you read the following list, one part of you may be aware that the phrase is really not true, but there may be another part that feels that it is. Emotions are not logical. They just are. Accepting this and that the emotions may be be in direct conflict with the intellect is a first step to opening to deeper self awareness. This opening is what allows something new to emerge so you can move forward rather than remaining frustrated or held hostage by something out of awareness.
The phrases below are common core beliefs but they may not aptly embody yours. It is possible you will spot an exact belief , or yours may be completely different or a ‘spin off’ of one or more of the examples.
Use the statements presented as a starting place for your exploration, and journey toward freedom from their control. Clarify your beliefs to fit your situation if they are different than the ones presented.
Notice what you think AND feel in regards to the following statements and make note of it. Thoughts are easier than feelings to root out. Feelings are often buried or split off from our normal awareness. Sitting in silence is an excellent way to allow your deeper self to give up its contents. It may be helpful to remember that these types of beliefs/feelings were formed by a very young unformed mind so logic or intellect don’t figure strongly with them. And also remember self compassion is always desirable, even essential!
Common Mistaken Beliefs
I’m not good enough
I’m not lovable
I’m not wanted
Life is a struggle, nothing ever works for me I will never succeed
I can’t express myself
Nobody understands me
It’s not safe to trust
I’m not capable
There’s no hope for me
I don’t deserve to love
I am stupid
I am weak and have no defenses
I deserve to be deprived
I deserve to be abandoned
What Next?
Once you identify core beliefs that can be creating negativity or resistance you can set a plan in place to shift it. Interactive guided imagery, visualization, inner child work, EFT and energy management methods all can help to release the energy of mistaken beliefs from your system. Freeing up the energy bound in these beliefs brings more aliveness to your system allowing you to bring more motivation, creativity and purpose to all aspects of your life.
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