Personal power…the term can mean different things to different people but whatever the definition it really begins with self awareness.
Here are some questions that can help you begin to shift your sense of personal power throughout the day and become more in charge of your life experience.
What is your predominant emotional tone?
Do you check in periodically with yourself and note how you are feeling and what your energy level is?
Is your breathing full and easy, bringing in lots of oxygen and energy?
How are you feeling in general?
How do different daily situations affect you?
Which ones generate stress, anger, sadness, frustration?
Do you take time to identify and release difficult feelings, thoughts, physical tensions from your system?
Can you take time and create a space between a stressful event and your reaction? Would you like to be more responsive and less reactive?
Most of us need to practice becoming more aware of what is happening inside and discovering and practicing ways to release stress from our systems. The choice to do so is a huge step toward claiming our power to create lives we love to live.
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