Caregiver Corner Tips Summary from our July 26, 2010 show on how perception influences stress–these are usefull for everyone not just caregivers!
1. Know that there are other ways of looking at a situation than yours. Try brainstorming other options for opinions and opening your awareness to other viewpoints.
2. Ask questions of others regarding possible solutions rather than than direct “rescuing” with solutions, answers or problem solving€¦Ask, “What might happen if ..?”
3. Ask of the person being cared for as well as others involved in care: “How can we help you?” Especially ask the caregiver this question if you are not the primary source of care!
4. As a caregiver talk to a friend, confidante €¦tell your story, how it is for you… having a witness to your story or experience can be powerful in its own right.
5. Take time to meditate and be quiet. You need to recharge your batteries to keep going effectively!
6. Be aware of good boundaries. Examine yours and others and take measures to make them healthy.
8. See the family story as drama. Take the perspective that you are watching a movie or play, it helps to take you out of strong emotions that are so compelling and drag you down.
9. Observe what is being mirrored. Ask what this person place or situation is teaching—or can teach you…helps to put a constructive spin on it.
10. Allow ALL your feelings. Your feelings need to be honored. Have a process that lets you feel them and then release them. Feelings tend not to be easily released until they are felt and processed.
11. Appreciate the caregiver. If you are a family member, friend or professional involved in family care, remember to appreciate the caregiver’s efforts. If you are a caregiver, acknowledge and appreciate yourself!
If you are involved in caregiving, what are some of the ways you have found that help deal with the complex interpersonal dynamics and stress of this situation?
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