Heart chakra healing begins with knowing whether there is over or under activity in the heart chakra. Either extreme in any of the chakras can eventually manifest in psychological or physical problems.
Heart chakra imbalances can result in a lack of emotional fulfillment, self-consciousness, even antisocial behavior.
Heart Healing: Over or Under Activity
An overly active heart chakra makes it hard to be present fully on the earth. As a result a person can feel isolated, lonely, and fearful. An under active heart energy can create a sense of heaviness, a lack of joy and possibly codependent behavior. Codependency can be displayed in a variety of ways: over caring, neediness, possessiveness, jealousy, clinging, and selfishness. All of that may seem ugly, but keep in mind that we are vulnerable humans doing the best we can (in our unconsciousness) to take care of ourselves. Self compassion and openness to healing can bring greater wholeness, happiness and healthier self-expression.
Heart Chakra Healing in Everyday Life
Our hearts are keenly involved in our daily lives. Certainly our hearts are deeply affected by trauma or loss. We are also affected by slights, betrayals and rejection. Who has not known the feeling of the heart chakra shutting down to protect itself? We may not have associated the feeling with energy or a chakra but we all recognize the sensation!
Issues involving the heart such as death, divorce, loss, abandonment, and betrayal are all part of our human experience. Closing the heart in the face of pain is understandable. Too frequent or severe a closing of the heart chakra can result in numbness. Remaining in that state is a problem. Life becomes more difficult as communication with other chakras is shut off and a feeling of emptiness results.
Heart Chakra Healing and Transformation
On a more positive note the heart carries within it the potential power to transmute negative feelings. Guilt, fear, shame, and anger can all be transformed through the loving power of the heart. However, we need awareness and approaches to process strong emotion for this transformation to occur.
We have not been a culture that teaches such things. That being the case it becomes a part of adult life and responsibility to become emotionally aware and learn appropriate management techniques. We are fortunate to live in a time where there is much greater understanding of mind-body-spirit and what is needed to heal into wholeness. Inner child work, interactive guided imagery, EFT, Energy Healing, NLP, Heart Centered Methods and Hypnosis have all been shown to be effective tools for healing from the inside out.
When the heart chakra is in balance and energy is freely flowing, a person is self-accepting, trusting, forgiving, compassionate, charged with positive emotions, and fueled by hope. The issue is to take charge of our inner states. Through such an approach we create more of what we truly desire on the inside. This helps what we truly desire to show up in the outer world.
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