It is more than obvious that our world is going through a major upheaval that is touching every aspect of our lives. For some time now we have witnessed crises, breakdown of old systems and revolutionary thoughts, feelings and in some places chaotic action. As difficult as it is to move through a time like this, breakdown and clearing out of the old is always a necessary part of change.
Even though we may be aware of that, it is hard to live through the destruction of what we have known, trusted, counted on, and believed in. And the promise of a better, more sustainable future may not do a lot for the doubt, uncertainty, confusion, stress, fear and anxiety that can accompany deep change.
Just as the global arena is being affected by trans-formative currents so are we as individuals. Obviously the cultural shifts ripple out to affect our lives, but in addition we all have areas of ourselves (lives) that periodically call out for change.
When we are up against the need for change‚ especially big change- it is only natural to feel pressure, stress and many other feelings such as those mentioned above.
When we view ourselves and our lives through the lens of energy we can receive helpful clues as to what is being triggered within us and more importantly it becomes clearer how to address change more gracefully.
General questions to help adaptation to stress and change
What is being challenged in my life right now?
What patterns are there within that this my situation or relationship that may be past their sell by date? E. G. Are there ways that I have been interacting, putting up with, allowing, responding negatively, holding myself back, fearful of entering a new phase/position or resisting needed shifts in some area of my life?
What holds me back from accepting this or any other change in my life?
If we look to the core issues involved with each of our energy centers we can get a clearer focus on issues around change and can target our efforts more skillfully.
Chakras and Change
General information to keep in mind along with core issues of each chakra can be found in the 8/10/15 blog post
Our chakra system is a road map for consciousness. Each chakra is responsible for a particular area of our life experience and adds a layer of energy to our overall aura or energy field. Each energy center is always active in our lives, but there are times when a specific chakra is more prominent in terms of activity because that aspect of our Selves is going through some growth and development or being triggered by events.
We interface with our lives through and with our energy system. Every interaction we have registers there for good or ill. This can result in distortions to our field that creates difficulty and limitation in the area of our life that correlates with that particular chakra and the related layer of energy in our energy field.
If an event or interaction creates distress in our field and it is not attended to in a way that results in completion and integration, then an imbalance, block, or depletion of energy can result. This in turn affects our health, relationships, perception of ourselves and the world, as well as our power to create the kind of life experience we would wish. Effectively, our energy field can be thought of as our unconscious. Developing energetic intelligence allows us access to what is unconscious so we can fully embrace all of our power, capacity and ability.
Energetic intelligence allows us to connect with the deeper aspects of ourselves that offer inner peace, freedom of expression, and health. By understanding how to navigate our personal energy system, we can find ease, harmony and inner strength. We can learn the difference between effort and struggle and eliminate the root of our problems as well as discover positive solutions.
Managing our personal energy system brings about change
from the inside out. Thus we acquire an ability to ride
the waves of life gracefully, with resiliency, “stress hardiness,”
and a balanced spiritual strength that leads to a
healthier way of being on every level.
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