In the last post we spoke about maintaining your inner energetic/emotional landscape even when challenged by circumstances. This not only helps us to feel better but it has other benefits as well.
As we shift our awareness, we open ourselves to new ideas, ways of being and operating in our lives that enable us to become a greater source of healing, comfort, success, strength and love in the world. Demonstrating patience, expressing compassion and having a positive attitude in spite of all that is going on around us, moves everyone closer to higher states of energy and vibration that spiritual teachers speak about.
To the extent that each of us practices uplifting ourselves, we uplift those around us. When we model patience, we diffuse tense situations and others calm down around us. When we truly listen with our heart and express deep compassion for others’ experiences, we teach compassion. Does it not feel like a joyful experience to hold positive images, hope, and dreams that will help our world survive and thrive rather than those that will collapse us through anger, hatred, and powerlessness? We can each work consciously every day in our corner of the world to help build a world community we all thrive in. Just think, if everyone spreads a little more joy every day, how quickly it could become the norm!
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