Every spiritual discipline speaks about awakening, coming into the light of self-realization and alignment with the God Force … the power of the universe.
The languages of these approaches may be different, but the intent is the same. The intent is for us to awaken from the sleep of our uninformed consciousness and embrace more of our Higher (soul) Selves. As we expand into our higher nature aligning with our soul, we can more easily express our true nature and access frequencies that assist with purposeful creation.
Awakening:Unconscious Information is Available
My belief is that consciousness is on a continuum that we shape as well as are shaped by, and with the right tools we can access it and improve that shaping process. In the range of aspects of consciousness, there is nothing truly hidden, just parts that we have not fully explored and opened up for our benefit. We need only asking the questions we want answers to, and have the willingness to sit and listen in stillness. Patience and courage are needed to allow our answers to emerge.
Awakening: The Personal is Universal
As we work with these principles to create better lives for ourselves, we are shifting our consciousness. As we move into these higher frequencies of mind energy, we begin to change in ways that bring more compassion, tolerance and understanding, as well as a healthy desire to help others. We are changed in how we see and relate to the world. We become people who understand the full impact of harm that is done, not just physically, but verbally and emotionally, to our fellow beings. As we awaken more fully we become ones who can do no harm. As one person changes, a ripple effect occurs out toward others, and they are affected by that change.
The effect may be small to start, but nonetheless it is present. Laws and rules and wars have done little to change the nature of humankind. Shifts in consciousness are what will bring about the changes necessary to create a better world for all. So the personal is, in fact, universal in the magnitude of its effect.
As we become more aware of our thoughts, feelings, emotions, energy – our actions, reactions, and interactions – each of us can be an agent of positive change in the world. We begin close to home with ourselves. As we grow and change the energy ripples out and affects our fellow human beings.
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